Read Jess' Work

New Fiction
“The Managers” (novel excerpt) - The Feathertale Review, December 2020.
“I Am A Sludge Monster Who Lives in a Storm Drain” - Humber Literary Review, January 2020.
From Just Pervs, 2019, Book*hug Press
"The Stink" - Taddle Creek, June 2016.
"Two Sex Addicts Fall In Love" - This Magazine, May 2017.
"Just Pervs" - Chapbook, Desert Pets Press, June 2017.
"The Puberty Drawer" - The Feathertale Review, November 2017.
From Pauls, 2019, Book*hug Press
"Paul" - Little Brother Magazine, Fall 2013.
"We Want Impossible Things" - Joyland Magazine, June 2015.
"Multicoloured Lights" - CNQ, Summer 2015.
Excerpt from Never Stop - Everyday Genius, November 2014.
Never Stop - Chapbook, Anstruther Press, October 2014.
On Pieces and My Pelvis - Invisible Publishing, October 18, 2018
Where to Dump a Body in Caledon - co-written by André Babyn - Entropy Mag, July 31, 2018
Keep Building: Members Reflect on Toronto's Literary Community - The Puritan, 2014.