Old News
April 21, 2022.
Debut novel, Play, to be published in 2024! “Just Pervs” the play was at Digital Fringe. “Pelvis” won 2nd in PRISM’s Creative Non-Fiction Contest. “Multicoloured Lights” to be translated into Urdu. Lots of new work on the horizon.
It’s been over a year! And what a year! To be completely honest, I’ve had both the hardest and most fulfilling year—I became a parent, married my partner Craig Calhoun, and had my first novel accepted for publication. I also dealt with colic, postpartum mental health difficulties, and serious family illness. Plus, you know, the pandemic. It’s been a lot!
All of these experiences have filled up my writing inspiration jar, and I’ve been writing more than ever. I’m working on a new novel, writing non-fiction here and there, and writing picture books and other work for children, inspired by my daughter. It feels good to be working somewhat fluidly after struggling after my accident for so long. Thanks to the support of the Ontario Arts Council as well as their writer’s recommender program, I’ve been able to set aside some dedicated time for working on my new novel. I’m hoping that I’m creating work I’ll be able to be proud of.
There has been a lot of writing news over the past year as well. Just Pervs is now available in audiobook and can also be borrowed from the library in this format. The play written by Reid Millar based on “Just Pervs” was also accepted into the Digital Fringe Festival after having a good run as a Zoom play. Perverted Assembles and Rose Coloured Theatre adapted it into a theatrical film for this purpose. The end result was awesome and stayed true to the source material, while being something totally innovative and something that I would never have dreamt up myself. That’s one of the best things about collaborating with others—you are able to watch your work get transformed into something unique outside of your own perspective. It feels good to see my work develop of life of its own.
A story from Pauls, “Multicoloured Lights,” has also been given a second life. A scholar from an Islamic English program, Azher Khan, has selected the story to be translated into Urdu as part of an anthology of Canadian short story writers. It’s my first work to be translated and I’m thrilled!
I’ve begun to write more non-fiction lately, building off of some of the material on Scraps ‘n Scrapes and the essay I did for Invisible Press about my recovery. A short memoir piece I polished this year, “Pelvis,” won second prize in the PRISM creative non-fiction contest and was published in the winter issue of PRISM International. This has encouraged me to keep working away at bits and pieces of non-fiction, especially about mental and physical health and healing. Who knows, maybe I’ll have enough for a book one day.
The biggest news from the past year was a deal with Book*hug Press for my first novel, Play, forthcoming spring 2024. The deal was arranged by Marilyn Biderman of Transatlantic Agency. Play is about the dangers of the imagination and delves into the childhood and the life of Paulina, who is a protagonist in several stories from Pauls. Paulina is grappling with the gig economy, teetering on the edge of poverty, while working in childcare. At the same time, she struggles to resolve the trauma and reactive cycles that have followed her since childhood. It’s a dark first novel, and I’m so happy to have placed it with Book*hug, who published my two collections of short stories. We’re going to be moving forward with the editing process over the next year.
Looks like it’s going to be another busy year.
Take care,
February 24, 2021.
Play Based on “Just Pervs” Running March 30th – April 8th. Discussion Event to Promote Play March 4th. Audiobook of Just Pervs in the Works. Six Weeks Till I’m a Parent. Link to Video of Reading at Junction Reads.
Hi everyone,
Well, a month isn’t so bad! And for once I have more to talk about after a month has gone by, as I’ve been sitting on some news for a while: A play has been developed based on my short story, “Just Pervs”! Other than that and trying to get as much writing done as possible before the baby comes, I’ve just been prepping my life to have another join it. We’re only six weeks away until I have my c-section. I now have a walker again, which has helped me be more mobile for long stretches.
Play Based on “Just Pervs” Short Story Running March 30th – April 8th
Back in November 2019, Reid Millar approached me about adapting the story of “Just Pervs” into a play. Reid is a recent graduate of the York University theatre program, is an actor, has produced plays in the past, and also has worked as a concert promoter and musician. Over the past year, Reid adapted the story into a play with consultation from me, and over the past few months, he teamed up with a few of his colleagues to form Perverted Assemblages Collective, which will be producing live performances of the play over Zoom, March 30th – April 8th.
I’ve met the directors and cast and had the opportunity to sit in on a couple early rehearsals, and it’s so amazing to see the energy this group of people has brought to the story and how they have transformed it for the stage. Even cooler is that this group has quickly adapted the play to fit COVID restrictions and to use the technology of our time. There is a delightful attitude of experimentation and exploration present at the rehearsals.
I’ll post a link to ticket sales once they are public. The cast and crew are: Reid Millar, Adapter and Stage Manager; Davinder Malhi, Co-Director; Giulia Pittiglio, Co-Director; Sanskruti Marathe, Actor (Jill); Cassandra Henry, Actor (Jenade); Jahnelle Jones, Actor (Penny); Millie Herridge, Actor (Dani); and Anaiah LeBreton, Sound Designer. Anaiah LeBreton also designed the poster up in the gallery.
I’m really excited to see the play and am just hoping my baby stays in there to give me enough time to catch one of the earlier shows.
Panel Discussion to Promote Play
To promote the play, Perverted Assemblages Collective is having a panel discussion to talk about the development process and transforming what was once a short story into a play for Zoom. I’ll be doing a short reading and discussing the story and then we’ll hear from Reid Millar and the actors and directors. The panel will be hosted by ted witzel, a director and leader in the theatre community. The panel is March 4th, 8 p.m. and tickets to the play will be released shortly after.
Audiobook of Just Pervs
It’s looking like an audiobook of Just Pervs will soon be in development! Book*hug Press has teamed up with ECW Audio (check out their Instagram) to create some audiobooks of their titles and Just Pervs is one of the books next in line! I’m not sure of how soon this all will happen, but it’s certainly exciting!
Video From Junction Reads
If you missed my Junction Reads reading and Q & A, you can access the video here. Please note that there is some harsh and sexual language in the readings and that the discussion includes reference to sex. I had a great time at Junction Reads! Host Alison Gadsby’s questions were so thought-provoking as always and a perfect mix of discussing craft and content.
Stay safe, everyone,
January 27, 2021.
Scraps ‘n Scrapes. How I’m doing. Pregnancy. Archiving Write Inbetween. New novel excerpt featured in The Feathertale Review. Novel update. New projects. Reading at Junction Reads over Zoom on February 7th.
Hi everyone,
It seems like these updates will come every six months or so now, especially with pandemic slowing down readings. So strap yourself in, it’s going to be a long one.
It’s been a rough professional year for everyone (to put it lightly). But even though I feel like the publicity and book touring for Just Pervs stalled once the pandemic started, putting a bit of a halt on the public side of my writing, there are a few exciting things happening! The biggest thing is that I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and will be having a c-section to give birth to Craig’s and my daughter on April 6, 2021.
Scraps ‘n Scrapes: Gardening Blog
Earlier in the pandemic, I started a blog, Scraps ‘n Scrapes, to document my journey learning about plants and to write a bit about how it was helping me with my mobility and pain. Each post focused on a different aspect I was learning about gardening, and I also interviewed some gardeners who were doing cool things. For a while, I was posting every Monday and Wednesday on a schedule. When I got pregnant, I had terrible morning sickness and food aversion (which mostly focused on vegetables), and it affected both my ability to garden and write. So, Scraps ‘n Scrapes took a brief hiatus.
We’ve since moved and have less balcony space and less balcony light, but I’m still hoping to grow some green onions from scraps, herbs, and maybe some leafy vegetables. I’ll have to go a little lower-maintenance this year because I’ll be watching something else grow—my daughter!
How I’m Doing in General
Since I hit the two-year mark of my accident in Feb 2020, I began to see a lot of improvements with my mobility, pain, and tolerance. The pandemic then posed a new challenge: I had been doing my physio workout at the gym twice a week with specific weight machines but was now unable to go. I was worried that I’d experience a setback in my recovery due to being housebound with the pandemic. But through tabata workouts with my colleagues, online dance parties run by Michelle Colistro, and gardening, I managed to stay active.
My mobility and pain is now being affected due to my pregnancy compounded by the damage of the accident, but in general, being pregnant has been a wonderful thing, even though it’s taken a large toll on my body and health. I’ve been attending a high risk/accessible care pregnancy clinic that has been providing me with excellent care so far. Not too much longer to go! I know my pain and struggles with mobility are always going to be somewhat chronic, but in a way, going back into the thick of it, while disheartening, also is teaching me new ways to cope and new tools that help me manage my pain. I’m hoping to write a little more about all of this in the future, now that I can speak more openly about my experiences with the accident (before I was caught up in a lawsuit).
Archiving Write Inbetween — For Now
The Write Inbetween website recently came up for renewal (Write Inbetween is a meet-up group for writers who are bisexual or have non-binary sexualities), but with the pandemic, not a whole lot of meeting-up has been happening. I also failed to have the group take off in the way that I’d like, due to not really having the energy and stamina to organize to the extent I would have before the accident. So, for now, I’m going to archive Write Inbetween, knowing that I’ll likely return to the idea at some point in the future. I’d be super interested in finding or running something for parents and writers with non-binary sexualities, as I find that now that I’m getting married and having a baby, it adds another layer of assumption, where people assume I am straight because I have a male partner. I don’t want my bisexual identity to fade off into motherhood, if that makes sense. So, we’ll see what comes of this in the future!
Novel Excerpt of The Managers out in The Feathertale Review
The Feathertale Review, Issue 25, came out in December and featured a super cool glow in the dark cover! It also included an excerpt of a new project I’ve been working on called The Managers about a post-climate disaster, post-pandemic dystopia that imagines the future of work and cities.
Took a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Creative Writing Course and Started Writing a Middle Grade Book Series
I took two continuing education courses from September-December: French, to finish up my Conversational French certificate, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy Creative Writing. I do not recommend taking continuing ed while working full time and being pregnant, especially while you have morning sickness. The sci-fi course ended up being really good for my writing though: it introduced me to a new community of writers, got me working on a new project, and allowed me to free myself from some of the mental constraints I was feeling while writing (always worrying about what people would think, etc.).
I started writing a middle grade book series that takes place in the same world as The Managers, but a little further in the future. I’m so excited to keep working on it, although I know it might have to wait till after the newborn phase.
What About That Novel, Play?
In October, I also worked with Meg Storey to do a developmental review of my novel, Play, which I’ve been working on since 2014. Meg’s work, combined with the new outlook given to me by taking the sci-fi course, breathed life into the manuscript again, and I’m currently working on finishing up this next draft. I hope that the manuscript will be ready to shop by the time the baby comes.
Reading for Junction Reads
My Junction Reads reading and Q & A was rescheduled as an online event on February 7 at 5 p.m. It would be great to see some of you there! I’ll be reading from Just Pervs and answering questions about the book.
Thanks for bearing with such a long update! I’ve added some links to fiction that was published in 2020 to the Read section. Take a look!
Stay safe and well.
April 5, 2020.
COVID-19 cancellations. Performed at Smutburger in March. Finalist for a Lambda Award in Bisexual Fiction.
Hi everyone!
This is a very long blog post, so I’ve used subtitles for ease of reading. :)
Pandemic Cancellations (East Coast events cancelled) and Things I’m Doing
So, like most people I know, except those working essential jobs, I am social distancing. I’ve been working from home, and, due to my blood disorder, I’m a little nervous about catching COVID-19 and what that would mean for me and my disorder, so Craig (my partner) has been handling all trips for provisions. I’ve been keeping busing with writing, reading, cooking, and growing vegetables from my own food scraps. I’ve also been going to Zoom parties (I celebrated my birthday a week ago) and having dance parties! The dance parties are my favourite, usually DJed by my friend and fellow writer, Michelle Brown.
So, of course, this means that all upcoming events are cancelled. I am no longer going to East Coast at the end of April, as previously planned. I’m disappointed to not get to see all the wonderful people I know out there and to not read with the other great writers we’d planned on reading with. Everyone had been making me feel so welcome before I even came! But I’m hopeful that it will happen sometime in the future, and that by cancelling things like these in the next while (however long that ends up being), it will bring us all back to sharing art together in public again. People are also exploring a lot of cool ways to still perform over social media or video platforms, and it will be interesting to see whether there’s more of a split in this type of programming for public arts events in the future.
The last performance I did was for Smutburger on March 11, and I’m so glad that I got to experience something like that before everything escalated. It was a really different experience for me because, while I’ve done interviews or Q & A, it’s different than doing a talk or preparing a piece of nonfiction. Sharing fiction is already a vulnerable experience for me, but having the fictional characters creates a bit of a buffer, a sense of protection. So I was quite nervous, but the hosts, Tamara Faith Berger and Courtney Toderash, did such a good job making everyone feel prepared and safe during the experience. The venue (the main hall at the Tranzac) was packed and the panel was full of people with such different perspectives. I loved hearing everyone’s talks and listening to what they had to say more than performing myself — and that was fun too. After the performance, most people went home after rather than hanging out and talking — you could already see the impact of the pandemic.
Lambda Literary Award Finalist
That same week, I found out that I am a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award in Bisexual Fiction! One of the other finalists, Deborah Levy, is one of my heroes, so I am thrilled! For a brief moment, I was planning my first trip to New York for the ceremony in June. The ceremony is now cancelled, although there is talk of having a virtual ceremony.
Want to Buy Books?
Because of everything that’s happened, I don’t have any Just Pervs on me to sell and can’t really be making trips to the post office at this time. If you want to buy a copy of Just Pervs or Pauls, please go through Book*hug’s website. During the pandemic, they also have reduced all ebooks to $5 with 100% of the sale going to the authors! In addition, my local bookstore, Type Books is doing contact-free book deliveries and tends to keep my books in stock.
Places to Donate
A lot of people have lost their jobs or sources of income during this time. Here are some places to donate if you have some money to give.
Emergency Survival Fund for LGBTQ2S artists, performers, tip-based workers and Glad Day
Toronto Restaurant Workers Relief Fund
Canadian Writers’ Emergency Relief Fund (donate to Writer’s Trust).
I’ll add more as time goes by.
Stay safe, everyone, and take care of yourselves!
October 16, 2019.
Just Pervs is out in stores! Read at Bi Arts Festival! Story out in the Minola Review. Reading at Tartan Turban Friday, October 25th.
Hi everyone!
So it’s all starting! Just Pervs came out at the beginning of September and now can be found or ordered from several stores across Canada. It’s also already been receiving some press from different publications. All of the press I’ve collected so far can be found on the Just Pervs portfolio page. There’s been lots of great buzz: Jessica Rose compared Just Pervs and Three Women by Lisa Taddeo for Rabble; Rachna Raj Kaur gave me an interview for NOW Magazine right as the book came out; Jackie Mlotek wrote a thoughtful review for Quill and Quire; Sarah Murdoch included Just Pervs as one of “five books that give you something to chew on” for the Toronto Star; and recently a short, punchy review by Asha Jodha was published in This Magazine. The best thing about these is that they’ve all been incredibly enjoyable to read; I’m lucky to have such great writers focusing on Just Pervs.
I’ve also had a couple publications come out in the last little while. A new story, “Bachelorette Hellholle,” was published by the Minola Review thanks to Marta Balcewicz! If you haven’t checked out Minola Review before, please do. They “foster the conversation between women, publishing strong, honest work safe from the gaze of patriarchy…[and] accept work from all women and otherwise femme-identifying, and non-binary individuals.”
“Tight ’n Bright” from Just Pervs was also featured on Prism Magazine!
On September 21st, I did my first reading for the Just Pervs release at Glad Day Bookshop for the Bi Arts Festival’s author’s showcase, but unfortunately the store wasn’t able to get the books in! I’ll have some with me at my next reading on October 25th, where I’ll be reading with Faith Arkorful, Sanchari Sur, and my bffl Sofia Mostaghimi. I love all these people and their writing so I’m very excited! I may even have a surprise opener (JK, it’s not a surprise, it will be my partner, Craig Calhoun). If you’d like to come, reserve your ticket here.
The full list of events to support Just Pervs’ release can be found here. I hope to see you at an event soon!
In the meantime, please check out this petition started by three amazing writers, Catherine Hernandez, Carrianne Leung, and Alicia Elliot, against the TPL room booking for Meghan Murphy, a known anti-trans feminist. Please sign it and support trans writers and trans-friendly spaces.
January 3, 2019.
Another New Year! Reading at Vacant Nobodies on Jan 8th. Was longlisted for the Journey Prize. Just Pervs will be out in Canada Fall 2019 with Book*hug!
Hi everyone,
I’ve been meaning to write a post for a long time and left my last post off with a “big news coming soon” and then just never got around to posting anything. To be honest, the past few months have seen me adjusting to a life of recovery, as I’ve been back at work, trying to write more again and regain some of my previous social lifestyle. I do not recommend having your pelvis broken. I wrote a little about this experience (along with my experiences with my mental health) in this article I wrote upon request by my friend, Sanchari Sur, for Invisible Press’ blog.
Anyway! There was some big news and still is some big news! I haven’t done an official announcement yet about Just Pervs, my second collection of stories, which will be released in Canada in Fall 2019 with Book*hug! I just finished my edits with Meg Storey and am so pleased with the way the book has shaped up. Just Pervs is a little darker in tone than Pauls and takes female sexuality as its focus — throughout the writing of the book, however, I became surprised at how much the stories all gravitated towards discussing female friendship and young women learning to embrace their independence.
In addition to all of that, “Two Sex Addicts Fall in Love”, a story from Just Pervs that was published in This Magazine was longlisted for The Journey Prize and featured in The Journey Prize Anthology 30, alongside “Desperada” by my good friend, Sofia Mostaghimi! We got to attend the Writer’s Trust Awards Ceremony and the Gala.
I will be reading a story at a new prose reading series, Vacant Nobodies on January 8th! It’s run by Sophie McCreesh and Fawn Parker and is the place to be! I’m looking forward to starting the new year off right.
As usual, if you read this, thank you for putting time and energy into reading my words.
Have a Happy 2019!
PS: The new promo pics in my gallery reel are by Cornelius Quiring.
July 12, 2018.
Book Vending Machine with Pauls in it at Billy Bishop Airport. Recovering from broken pelvis.
Hi everyone!
Long time, no talk! I've been out of commission after being hit by a car at the beginning of February. My pelvis was broken and much of my life has been consumed with healing since then. Some of my favourite pictures from my healing process/reemergence into the real world are above.
In other news, Pauls was chosen to be part of a book vending machine called Carry on Books put together by the Literary Press Group. You can purchase Pauls in Billy Bishop Airport now! I'm super excited about this and hope to one day see it in person.
That's all for now, but I'll have some big news soon.
Have a good one,
January 6, 2018.
Happy New Year! Still working on books. "The Puberty Drawer" published in The Feathertale Review. My life is quite different now.
Hi everyone!
Happy New Year! It's 2018, and my world is much different than the last time I wrote! It's freezing cold outside, and I have committed to staying in my apartment for two days straight. This gives me just enough downtime to write to you. Hi. There's a pic of me up there celebrating New Years with a fish I met.
So I guess I'll get right into it — by far the biggest thing that's happened to me has been my work with CUPE 3902, my union that represents my teaching work. I first became involved in working on the bargaining team for my teaching unit, and once we got into negotiations, I was hooked. I now am on the Executive Committee and am exploring different ways I can further commit myself to the labour movement. We'll have to see what the future holds!
I have still been working away on my two books, despite a very busy semester. I spent most of the fall and early winter editing and writing for Just Pervs. Now, I'm hoping to move onto my novel for a bit. I keep thinking I'm finished and then I walk away from it and get another brainwave and have to rework the whole thing. It's been a very humbling experience (which is good for any writer I think!). I went to my friend, Menaka's, cottage to have a writing retreat with her and Sofia (photo above). We got a lot done, and I'm planning a solo retreat in February so I can focus on my novel.
One of the stories from Just Pervs, "The Puberty Drawer", came out in The Feathertale Review this winter! I also did a couple readings in November and December. I'll write in more detail about these another day.
As usual, I've been loving reading. My top books that I read in 2017? Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum , Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin, Night Sky with Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong, and History of Wolves by Emily Fridlund. I also read Madame Bovary for the first time this summer and screamed, "THE BOV, NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT? OMG," the whole time. I was a little over-invested.
Thanks for reading!
June 25, 2017.
"Just Pervs" chapbook released with Desert Pets Press. "Two Sex Addicts Fall in Love" out in This Magazine. Trip to Bali. Many adventures. Working away.
Hi everyone!
Well, I think I've already violated my two promises to you -- that these posts would be more frequent and shorter. This is gonna be a long one, crammed with stuff, and I apologize in advance.
2017 so far has been a wonderful year for me, full of changes and growth. Unlike other years, there haven't been any big leaps or big upsets or major successes, just slowly everything is coming together closer to a life I want to live.
One big thing that has happened this past month was the release of my new chapbook, "Just Pervs". On June 8th, I released the chapbook with Desert Pets Press along with Jessie Jones and Jessica Bebenek. The books looked great -- as you can see above, mine is covered in boobs and butts -- tits 'n' ass! -- but also severed arms and legs. Why? You'll have to read it to find out! The chapbook contains a single story told in fragments and multiple voices and is the title story for the collection, Just Pervs, which I've been working on for a couple years. You can buy the chapbook now on the Desert Pets Press website or in their Etsy store.
It's great to see part of this collection start to go out into the world. This Magazine also recently published one of the short stories called "Two Sex Addicts Fall in Love." It's about two sex addicts who fall in love. Andrew Battershill is their new fiction editor and bringing out some really great stuff.
At the end of May, I went on a trip to Bali, Indonesia. I don't really have a lot of experience travelling, but I had the time and the means to do it for the first time in my life, other than a few small trips. I went for only 10 days, but I had a great time. For the first 8 days, I mostly just relaxed in the south around Ungasan and Jimbaran, wrote, saw some sights, and read Anna Karenina for the first time. By the time I went to Ubud for two days, I was ready to be around people again and make some friends, so I reached out to a group on Facebook and set up some coffee and dinner hangouts with people who lived in Bali. I also went to a writer's meetup, which involved talking about writing for an hour and then silent writing. Everyone except for me lived in Bali but were expats. It was really interesting hearing people's stories and how they came to Bali. I also did something called Trash Heroes, which is a group of people who are dedicated to improving the trash situation in Bali. I participated with the Ubud chapter and picked up trash for about an hour. Everyone I met in Bali were so welcoming. I realized that back home, it's so hard to trust anyone; we're always expecting to be hurt. But in other places it's not always like that. There is a different sense of trust in your fellow people and a true sense of community. But perhaps I just had good experiences.
I've been trying to bring this attitude of exploration to my life here in Toronto as well. I'm trying lots of new things, and there are so many beautiful places to go around Ontario as well. One of the pictures above (the last one with the dock) is from a trip to a cottage on Georgian Bay that I visit yearly with Michelle and Vincent Colistro (Michelle publishes as Michelle Brown) and The Joe (publishes as Joe Thomson). Although we got bitten to hell this past year, it was nice to go somewhere and be surrounded by nature, especially so soon after my big trip, to remind myself that there is beauty close by.
Anyway, that's about all for me! I'm still working on my two books, but it's looking more realistic to have them done by the end of the summer. Finally.
Thanks for reading!
Spring 2017 Authors for Desert Pets Press
May 2, 2017.
New website. Chapbook to be released in June with Desert Pets Press.
Hi everyone!
Welcome to my new website! As you can see much has been reworked and simplified. I'll try to have shorter and more frequent blog posts on here, as well as continue to post appearance dates and links to my work.
I have a chapbook coming out with Desert Pets Press in early June! It will be of my short story, "Just Pervs", which is the title story for my collection. I'm really looking forward to seeing this story as its own chapbook and to see what cool illustrations Emma Dolan puts in it!
Two very important people to me have some big stuff up on the net. Sofia Mostaghimi has put up her own website of her work. Joe Thomson had a flash fiction piece, "Sugo," published on The Matador Review. Please check them out! They both help me out with my work and are like my family.
I'll have much more to post here soon. I'm off work writing for the summer and soon will be going on a big trip to write and see a little more of the world.
Have a great night and thanks for seeing my new website!
December 27, 2016.
Read at Pivot, Light Reading, Adele Barclay's Launch. Hosted IFOA event. Wrote my first blurb for Adam Zachary's The End, by Anna. Cultivating several hobbies. A lot of changes this year. Good ones. Trying to write to the end of Just Pervs and Where Everything Glows.
So it seems like it's been another four months since I last wrote on here, and we're coming up to the end of 2016. Yay, another year done.
I currently am at my parents' place where I retreated for the holidays, hoping to finish up writing Just Pervs and Where Everything Glows. It's going okay, but of course, I'm never as fast as I want to be. But it's going and the process keeps getting more and more fun, which is nice.
We did Christmas Eve at my parents' and then headed over to my brother and his wife's place. As soon as we got there, she told us she was feeling a little sick. Throughout breakfast, she couldn't eat and then she started shaking. She ended up staying home from my aunt's place. I ate a bit of pineapple in a jelly salad, which I'm allergic to, so I thought my rocky stomach was just that.
Yeah, no. I had the shakes all night yesterday and had to go to bed. My brain isn't quite back up to fiction-writing-ability, so I thought I'd catch you all up instead. You're welcome.
Aside from writing these books this year, I've been trying to do a bunch of different things, mostly just to improve my enjoyment of life and my mental health, while still fighting the boredom that often drives me to overwork. It's been great! I'm feeling better than I remember ever feeling, am balanced, and am able to keep everything organized. Aside from some minimal social burnout, I'm glad I got through last year's depression and anxiety as a stronger, more even person.
My friend, Emma, and I took a woodcarving class on Monday nights with renowned carver, Gordon Becker. It was just through the Toronto District School Board, so we were shocked to have a teacher with so many professional designations and experience. I made a curled up, sleeping fox.
We're going to be taking a Spanish class and non-traditional printmaking and silkscreen this upcoming semester. We also took a knitting class in the summer.
In addition to these crafts and hobbies, I've been completing my TESL certification and I've taken up rockclimbing with Sofia Mostaghimi (who recently put out a story in this cool anthology). I'm hooked and am trying to do it a couple times a week.
All of this means that I haven't been going out to as many events as last year. I'm still trying to support the community as best I can (and may even have an idea for a new project I'll start working on in 2017), but it's been nice for me to open my social spheres and activities beyond writing. I think it's necessary to keep the work fresh and good.
This fall, I still got to read at a Pivot that Canisia Lubrin hosted in September, a Light Reading (run by Adam Zachary), and at Adele Barclay's launch of her wonderful poetry book, If I Were in a Cage, I'd Reach Out For You. At all of these, I read Just Pervs stuff, and I find sharing new stories with my peers just the thing to keep me going.
At the end of October, I also hosted an event for IFOA featuring Rosemary Sullivan interviewing Eleanor Wachtel. This is me checking out the backroom at the Fleck Dance Theatre.
I also wrote my first ever blurb this year, for Adam Zachary's The End, by Anna. It's a great book, and I was so happy that it was the first book I have been able to blurb. The thing about Adam is that whatever they are working on, whether it's their reading series, poetry, or fiction, it's super interesting and feels new and real. Metatron is doing some interesting stuff too and is definitely a press to watch.
I'm looking forward to seeing what 2017 has in store for me, especially since this has been a year packed with growth and changes. I hope that I keep growing, keep feeling good, and that you all are feeling good too!
Happy New Year!